
This page serves as general introduction to jQuery Simone plugin, and as a resource list. It gathers links to all important documentation pages that are part of this project, with a brief explanation of their content.


Simone is a JavaScript window manager consisting of two widgets: taskbar and window, providing a desktop-like experience. It's especially useful for single-page applications. It's built on top of the jQuery and jQuery UI.


  • Easy start for developers. API known from jQuery UI.
  • jQuery UI Themes compatible with no additional setup. Works with jQuery UI ThemeRoller too.
  • Customizable with options, events and methods.
  • Built-in debugger.
  • Comes with tests.
  • Utilizes well-known patterns, present in other window managers.
  • Comes with localization support nad multilingual capabilities.
  • Widgets are to a point aware of each other.
  • Content-agnostic windows.
  • Software in active development.

People involved

Original author of this plugin is Cezary KluczyƄski (email, GitHub, Twitter). He is the current maintainer too.

Current maintainers are:

    Development status

    Current version:

    This is a beta version, which means bugs are expected.
